Posts tagged coaching
What this blog is about (and my business) after more than 10 years

I've been in business for over 10 years. Some years I've felt like a pro. Other years I've felt like an impostor. 

Some years I have made tons of money (multiple six figures), other years what felt like hardly any (under $30k).  Some years I've outspent my earnings and other years I've saved. Some years I've been proud of my accomplishments and at other times I've wondered if I have any talent whatsoever for what I'm trying to do. 

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The solution to systemic violence starts at home

It feels like we’re surrounded by violence. And the violence we’ve been experiencing (mostly, I hope, as bystanders) in our nation and world is tragic. 

Those who commit these violent acts are, in most cases, individuals. Solitary men. (Sorry, dudes, but not so many chicks are involved in mass shootings and terrorist acts.) Men who make a series of decisions that lead them to end the lives of others.

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